Is it time to spring Clean Your Caravan and dust off the winter cobwebs??
Has your van been closed up for the winter and gathered some dust from being shut up? Now is the perfect time to give your van the once over it deserves and give it a good spring clean, and also the time to do a mini service to make sure you and your family stay safe and sound for the next time you hit the road. Like your car your caravan needs some attention every now and again, and it’s good to keep on top of it. Below are a few tips that can be handy before you head out for your next trip…

Airing out your van
Who hates that musty smell after something has been closed up for a while?It’s time to open everything up and let it air, get some fresh summer breeze flowing through. While doing this its the perfect opportunity to check the fly screens for any holes, seals for any leaks, and any mould that may have appeared due to all the recent wet weather. Pop some air freshers in, and maybe one of those moisture absorbers that you can buy at the local supermarket, they are great for preventing mould and dampness.
Gas Safety Check
Having been caravanning and camping all my life when we’d cook we’d always bring out the camp BBQ. Now while these are so handy, it’s very easy to forget that they too need to be checked on a regular basis for safety reasons. Firstly check the test date on your LP gas cylinder, check the hose to make sure it hasn’t perished, check the lines and bottle for any corrosive damage to make sure there are no leaks. An easy way to do this is making a mix of soap and water, start by connecting the gas pipes to the BBQ or similar so you don’t have any extra gas coming out near you, then slowly pour the soapy mixture over the bottles and lines, if there is indeed a leak the soapy mixture will begin to bubble around the areas where there is a leak, very easy to miss and this is an excellent method of finding them.
Another important facet of getting your van ready for your next trip is to make sure that everything is in perfect working order, the last thing you want to find on your first day away is that your interior lights wont turn on or your French Champagne has gone warm and gross in the fridge because your fridge has decided not to work. Go and turn everything on at least once, including everything outside, exterior lights, electric brakes etc.

Apart from the obvious places like bench tops and ensuites that need a wipe over don’t forget to delve into the fridge and give that a going over too, last years peas may have fallen down from the freezer into the drawers and have produced a lovely smell, but nothing that some bicarb and lemon juice won’t fix. Then you’re all ready to restock.
Flush any water tanks with some fresh water with some bleach to kill any nasties that maybe left in the tanks, then add the good old bicarb again to get rid of the bleach taste before refilling with water.
Check your aircon vent, give it a good hose down and leave to dry before putting back in.
Wheel, brake and bearing service.
If your van has sat idle for sometime, it is important for the safety of you and your family to get the essential running gear serviced. You can find out all about our different Caravan Service options by visiting http://caravanfix.com.au/services/caravan-service/
Now the hard work is done its time for you to go and have a fun, relaxing and safe trip away… but remember if your stuck and need some help with the more technical side of caravan servicing give one of the friendly faces at Caravan Fix a call on 1300 826 349